Verbal warning or other consequence (conference w/student, seat change, send to another class for timeout/reflection, etc…)
*3rd Warning
Everything above AND...
After school REFLECTION for 10 minutes THAT SAME DAY in my classroom
Conference with the student
Record in the student’s LOG ENTRY on POWERSCHOOL and an LLR (Low Level Referral) will be filed.
*4th Warning
Everything above AND...
Parent/Guardian will be notified
Disclaimer:** If NO SHOW 10 minutes AFTER SCHOOL REFLECTION: 15 minutes assigned the following day and the student has a new warning marked for the next day. Parent/Guardian will be notified.
If the student does not show up for the 15 minutes: Everything above AND.. Student will be sent out the next day for one period to reflect on WHY they got the REFLECTION originally and WHY they did not show.
NOTE: The severity of the behavior may allow the teacher to not follow the procedures below and automatically send the student to the office.
2 for homework for the week = after school REFLECTION
2 for Tardies for the week = after school REFLECTION
2 for behavior in a day = seat change, think sheet, or other intervention